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Catholic Bishop's Conference of England and Wale
John Traynor’s miracle is a sign of God’s love, says Lourdes bishop

Catholic Review
What’s Lourdes’ secret? The Eucharist, reveals shrine’s chief medical officer

CBS News
A visit to Lourdes, the site of mystery and medical miracles

Liverpool Diocese
Archbishop declares Jack Traynor case a miracle

Tennessee Register
What’s Lourdes’ secret? The Eucharist, reveals shrine’s chief medical officer

The Irish Times
Do miracles happen?

Catholic News Agency
60 years after his miraculous healing, he still returns to Lourdes
Detroit Catholic
What's Lourdes' secret? The Eucharist, reveals shrine's chief medical officer
Church Authorities Declare 65th Miracle at Lourdes

National Catholic Register
‘Miracles of Lourdes’: New EWTN Docudrama Goes Behind the Scenes of Miracle Investigations

CBS News
France's Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes: Where 70 medical miracles have been recognized by church officials

Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Lourdes cures and their medical assessment

Olivia Walker
Editor in Chief

Olivia Walker
Editor in Chief