Lourdes the miracle for 150 years

Since in 1858, from February to July, the Virgin appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in the grotto of Massabielle, thousands of pilgrims rush each year to Lourdes...Order the book
Georges Fernand Dunot De Saint-Maclou.

In questo volume viene resa pubblica la prima biografia di un uomo straordinario, sposo, amico e amante della vita, confratello della San Vincenzo de' Paoli a Caen, a Nizza ea Lourdes... Order the book
Georges-Fernand Dunot De Saint-Maclou.

In questo volume si presenta la vita di un uomo che è stato persona-ponte tra ragione e fede: il Dottore della Grotta di Lourdes. Order the book
The trip to Lourdes

Known for his book "The Unknown Man", Dr. Alexis Carrel was also a deeply Catholic man whose spiritual writings, or rather meditations, are, especially for our unstructured world, of great moral value._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Order the book
Lourdes, between heaven and earth

When the author of Chiens perdus sans collier, with 4,000,000 copies sold, sets off for Lourdes, he wants to be a pilgrim like any other. Well, almost. Order the book
Lourdes: The great story of the apparition,
pilgrimages and miracles

Professor at Oxford, historian, specialist in mentalities in the 19th century, Ruth Harris confides that she designed this research through time as her own trip to Lourdes, at a time in her life when she herself was suffering.Order the book
The Three Cities, I: Lourdes

Relieved to have completed the "terrible series" of Rougon-Macquart, Zola seeks a new subject. In 1891, during a trip to Lourdes, he was struck by the spectacle of this "mystical city" born from the vision of a child in the midst of a positivist century. Order the book
My life is a miracle

Three days after a pilgrimage to Lourdes, back in her community, Bernadette is flooded with a warmth that starts from the heart and spreads everywhere. Order the book

The Authentic History of the Apparitions is the fruit of an exhaustive scientific work of more than fifteen years, undertaken at the request of the Bishop of Lourdes, Monseigneur Théas, in 1952. Order the book
The Grotto of Lourdes, a Gospel journey

February 1858, Lourdes, at the foot of the Pyrenees, in front of the grotto of Massabielle. A beautiful lady, presenting herself as the Immaculate Conception, appears eighteen times to a little Bigourdane, Bernadette Soubirous.Order the book
Lourdes: Body and Spirit in the Secular Age

This text is a history of the pilgrimage to Lourdes and an account of a world of religious beliefs which challenges the view that the spirit of modern Europe is a secular one. Order the book